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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh
Admissions September 2025 Seeking a Nursery or P1 place for your child for September? Please complete the Pre Enrolment Survey to keep in touch and remember that our Open Day is on Friday 6th December from 9.45am - 11.45am [Pre Enrolment Survey]
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Policies & Procedures

Group policies reflect our practice. All policies and procedures are available for Parents.

Please contact staff if you wish to have a copy.

  1. Health and Safety
  2. Absence of the Manager/staff
  3. First Aid & accident
  4. Additional needs
  5. Allegations against staff
  6. CCTV
  7. Comments/complaints
  8. Confidentiality
  9. Management of confidentiality and access to records
  10. Consent
  11. Data protection
  12. E-safety
  13. Equality and anti-discrimination
  14. Infection, prevention and control
  15. Intimate/personal care
  16. Maintenance & replacement of play equipment
  17. Anti-bullying and positive behaviour
  18. Managing emergencies
  19. Management of medicines
  20. Management of records
  21. Management of risks associated with the care of individual children
  22. Mobile phones
  23. Participation and engagement with parents
  24. Photography and videography
  25. Play
  26. Provision of food and drink
  27. Reporting adverse and untoward incidents
  28. Safeguarding and child protection
  29. Security of the setting
  30. Smoking
  31. Staffing
  32. Whistleblowing
  33. Payment
  34. Sun awareness
  35. Visitors
  36. Transport
  37. Fire safety
  38. Homework
  39. Risk assessments
    • Fire safety
    • Health and safety
    • Indoor
    • Outdoor

Also included in our Parent Information booklets is information on:

  • Aims and Objectives
  • Admissions/Settling in Procedure
  • Collection and Departure Procedures



8th Sep 2022
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8th Sep 2022
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