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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh
Admissions September 2025 Seeking a Nursery or P1 place for your child for September? Please complete the Pre Enrolment Survey to keep in touch and remember that our Open Day is on Friday 6th December from 9.45am - 11.45am [Pre Enrolment Survey]
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Year Two love to play!

11th Oct 2021

Year Two love to play!

Introducing simple, everyday objects into our play is not only fun but is rich in learning too! Our children were enabled to become curious, creative and direct their own play. Here are just some of the benefits to our children of play in this way:

✅ Improve creativity

✅ Ignite imagination

✅ Boost social skills

✅ Boost problem-solving skills

✅ Support inclusion

We really do have the best job in the world - it’s a pleasure and privilege to support and be a part of learning experiences such as these 🥰.