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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh
Admissions 2025 Pre School and Primary Admissions: Applications can be made via the Education Authority website up until 12.00 Friday 24th January. Please contact the school office if you wish to view our school or for any advice on applications and places.
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Year 5 Christmas craft afternoon

9th Nov 2016

Miss Eccles' pupils had their first Christmas craft afternoon today. Mr. Tracey's class will commence their craft afternoons in a couple of weeks.

We were taught how to thread a needle and sew on buttons. It required lots of patience, perseverance and care, but we all did so well! 

We don't want to show too many pictures, because it'll spoil the wonderful surprise we'll be bringing home in a few weeks.

A huge thanks to our parent helpers, Heather and Grainne, for their preparation, guidance and support.

Learning to sew is an important life skill and one which we've helped our Year Five children achieve today. Well done everyone!