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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh

Year 2 can use balance scales

30th Apr 2024

As part of their mathematics and numeracy learning, Miss Eccles’ Year 2 class have been exploring the topic of weight.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Today, we were using balance scales to compare and talk about the weight of objects. 
While using the balance scales, we were showing that we can both use and understand language associated with weight. We were using terms such as heavier, lighter, heaviest, lightest and the same as.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ We were starting to measure weight using non-standard units such as cubes, beads and pegs.

We didn’t get a photo (because we were too busy counting!), but today we also found out that one of our pencil cases weighed 310 small pegs!

🌟 Children really do learn best when their learning is practical, interactive and enjoyable. We are proving that in Year 2 every day!