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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh
Admissions September 2025 Seeking a Nursery or P1 place for your child for September? Please complete the Pre Enrolment Survey to keep in touch and remember that our Open Day is on Friday 6th December from 9.45am - 11.45am [Pre Enrolment Survey]
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The Peace Pole

22nd Sep 2021

You may have noticed at the front of the school building a Peace Pole has been erected. A Peace Pole is an internationally recognised symbol of the hopes and dreams of the entire human family, standing in vigil in silent prayer for peace on earth.

This Pole was presented to our school when it was on the previous site by a party of visiting Japanese people sometime in the 1990s. They spent an afternoon with the pupils and toured the school site. They made origami storks with the pupils which symbolise ‘peace’ In Japan.

The Peace Pole was stored safely with the idea that when we got our new school on its present site, the Pole could be erected for everyone to see.

Now is the perfect moment when the Integration movement in N.Ireland is celebrating 40 years of progress. Our Peace Pole symbolises how far we have travelled as a school community and the desire for peace and happiness is even stronger today.