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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh

Outdoors: one of the best possible learning environments!

9th May 2024

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Lots of energetic physical play was on the agenda for Miss Eccles’ Year Twos this morning. As well as enjoying our activities, which is so important for our wellbeing, we were also developing lots of important physical skills too.

πŸ’ͺ🏻 We were strengthening our muscles, developing our control and co-ordination, as well as  enhancing our agility, balance and endurance.

πŸ₯° It was great to see how our children showed they could use the increased amount of space well and share it safely with their peers. Some of the wheeled toys were so popular, that it took a lot of negotiating for children to ensure they all got a turn!

πŸ’¦ Opportunities for mathematical learning were there in the water play area today. Lots of investigating capacity and using related language was happening. 

🌟 It was getting too warm for some children, so they decided to make themselves a den to relax in! The skipping ropes were used as decorations, as well as weights to stop the tarpaulin blowing away. Problem-solving at its best!

🌾 Later, in the afternoon, we got some more gardening work done. Our little horticultural heroes walk past this area of school every day, on their way to and from the playground for breaktime and lunchtime play. Lately, the children have been observing that this area was becoming overgrown and needed some attention. So, together, we decided to tend to this area, and start working our magic. Proud doesn’t even come close to describe what I feel when we look at these little stars in action!