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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh
Admissions 2025 Pre School and Primary Admissions: Applications can be made via the Education Authority website up until 12.00 Friday 24th January. Please contact the school office if you wish to view our school or for any advice on applications and places.
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O.I.P.S Library

29th Feb 2016
O.I.P.S Library

Our library is busy once again! After receiving new software to make the library easier to borrow and return books, we now have classes from year 2 up to year 7 browsing and borrowing books weekly. Sylvia, our librarian, is on hand every Thursday and Friday to organise these sessions. Thank you Sylvia! Soon we intend for the year 7 pupils to review their library books using the new software. Watch this space.