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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh
Admissions 2025 Pre School and Primary Admissions: Applications can be made via the Education Authority website up until 12.00 Friday 24th January. Please contact the school office if you wish to view our school or for any advice on applications and places.
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Mrs Mc Elduff visits Year Two

28th Sep 2015
Mrs Mc Elduff visits Year Two

During our topic of Birthdays Mrs Mc Elduff visited both of the year two classes to answer questions that the children wanted to ask about our school. We invited Mrs Mc Elduff to our classrooms because we are celebrating the twenty fifth birthday of our school and Mrs Mc Elduff was the perfect person to interview as she has been here since the school opened.

Thank you Mrs Mc Elduff. We loved having you visit our classes to tell us about the history of our school.