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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh
Admissions 2025 Pre School and Primary Admissions: Applications can be made via the Education Authority website up until 12.00 Friday 24th January. Please contact the school office if you wish to view our school or for any advice on applications and places.
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Halloween Stay & Play

25th Oct 2019

Our recent Halloween Stay and Play Session took place this week. What a wonderful turnout and lovely to see many new faces. We hope all those who attended enjoyed our specially planned Halloween activities and treats.

The aim of these taster sessions is for families who are considering integrated education for their children and would like an insight into school life at OIPS. A key element of the ethos of Omagh Integrated Primary School & Nursery is to value every child as an individual and to foster these early relationships with potential new families. Foundation Stage staff are always available therefore, during these sessions, to answer any questions and always look forward to meeting new faces. This makes the ‘Stay and Play’ sessions an ideal opportunity for parents to find out more about the school in an informal setting.

Sessions are planned and hosted by the Early Years staff and funded by OIPS Parents’ Council.

During the sessions, parents and children can enjoy time together engaging in a range of carefully planned play based activities based around a specific theme, while getting a flavour for the brand new state of art school which opened in June 2018. Activities are designed to captivate the children’s talents and imagination.

Children will also enjoy a wonderful selection of themed foods and snack and refreshments for the parents.

All ‘Stay and Play’ sessions are free and open to children aged 2-4 years only and are ideal for any parent considering OIPS for their child’s Nursery experience or indeed for anyone considering applying for a Year 1 place to begin their educational journey with Omagh Integrated Primary School & Nursery.

Further sessions we will be held regularly over the coming months, with updates on our Facebook page.

If you’re interested in attending, please call the school office to book a place as booking is essential on 02882 244915. BOOKING IS NOW ESSENTIAL as numbers per session are limited.

We look forward to inviting new faces and families to our OIPS family.