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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh
Admissions September 2025 Seeking a Nursery or P1 place for your child for September? Please complete the Pre Enrolment Survey to keep in touch and remember that our Open Day is on Friday 6th December from 9.45am - 11.45am [Pre Enrolment Survey]
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28th Apr 2023

Wishing a huge congratulations to both our Junior and Senior choir, who today performed at the West Tyrone Feis. 🎶Both choirs did our school incredibly proud!❤️


Our two choirs have spent a long time practising and attending rehearsals and their performances today were just amazing! We may not have won the prize, but the children performed magnificently, they had a wonderful time and everyone of them can be immensely proud of themselves.


A big thank you also to all the families who came to cheer us on. It was so lovely to see so many faces of support. ☺️