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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh
Admissions September 2025 Seeking a Nursery or P1 place for your child for September? Please complete the Pre Enrolment Survey to keep in touch and remember that our Open Day is on Friday 6th December from 9.45am - 11.45am [Pre Enrolment Survey]
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Digital stars in Year Two

6th Oct 2021

Today, our Year Two children took on a challenge and excelled every step of the way!

🌟 They worked in pairs, and used an iPad, to take photographs of objects and scenes inside and outside the classroom, which they felt were signs of Autumn.

🌟 We had great fun exploring Autumnal colours, shapes and textures.

🌟 We showed how great we were at taking photographs with the iPad. We knew to keep our tablets steady and learned about things like zooming in on an image.

🌟 We then chose images to create digital Autumnal artwork.

Learning lots ✅ and having fun ✅ was the plan for today (and everyday) in Year Two. 

The children did all the work by themselves today. Our boys and girls really are amazing 🌟