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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh


2023/2024 School Year

5th Dec 2023
Today we had a special visitor in Nursery, Jake's dad the postman called to collect...
5th Dec 2023
It’s all about the FUN factor in Year 1. But… did you know, we are...
1st Dec 2023
Nursery celebrates Daily Mile Santa Run! We were very excited that Santa joined...
1st Dec 2023
Year are stepping into Christmas! 🌲 
1st Dec 2023
Pupils in Mrs Young’s Year 2 class enjoyed tasting bread from different countries...
30th Nov 2023
Pupils in Mrs Young’s Year 2 class enjoyed tasting different types of bread...
28th Nov 2023
Learning through play aims to develop skills such as: ⭐️ independence; ⭐️...
28th Nov 2023
❤️ Be a buddy, not a bully - could there ever be a more important message? ...
17th Nov 2023
The countdown to Christmas will begin here at OIPS on Friday 1st December 2023...