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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh


2017/2018 School Year

24th Nov 2017
Year 4 pupils had a special celebration today in assembly, as they were presented...
22nd Nov 2017
Miss Curry's Nursery class celebrated World Nursey Rhyme Day on Friday 17th November...
20th Nov 2017
Year 7 used a range of musical instruments to create sound stories linked to the...
19th Nov 2017
The November edition of Year Five's newssheet has now been published. As well...
17th Nov 2017
Anti Bullying Week took place this week. We completed lots of anti bullying activities...
15th Nov 2017
This week we held our second successful 'Stay and Play' session. This session was...
15th Nov 2017
This week in Nursery we are learning about Road Safety. We went on a road safety...
13th Nov 2017
Linda Mc Clure, a local artist, worked with both Year 7 classes to create clay tiles...
13th Nov 2017
Year Seven pupils took some well deserved time out to enjoy some Halloween fun an...
8th Nov 2017
The P5 children went to Omagh Police Station for an educational visit.  Thank...