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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh


2018/2019 School Year

16th Sep 2018
Year Five are proud to present the first of their monthly newssheets. This document...
14th Sep 2018
Year Five had an extra-special day on 13th September, as they celebrated the amazing...

2017/2018 School Year

1st Jul 2018
Miss Eccles’ class mascot, Shine, had a brilliant experience on Friday, when...
29th Jun 2018
What a wonderful last  assembly we had in our courtyard today......
28th Jun 2018
Have a lovely summer!
28th Jun 2018
We had a fantastic year!  We are ready for Y3
27th Jun 2018
We have had a very busy year in P2. We moved to our amazing new school and Mrs...
26th Jun 2018
Today was a very special and significant day in the life of Omagh Integrated Primary...
22nd Jun 2018
Please see the attached details for arrangements for pupils and parents.  Thank-you...
13th Jun 2018
P5 enjoyed getting their photographs with a replica World Cup trophy. Thank you...