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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh


2020/2021 School Year

8th Dec 2020
It has been a very exciting day today. Look who came to visit us in Year 2. Lots...
30th Nov 2020
This month we have been learning about People Who Help Us. Our children enjoyed...
30th Nov 2020
Last week our pre-school children completed a sponsored walk around the school grounds....
28th Nov 2020
During our Day & Night theme our children we were learning about morning and...
28th Nov 2020
Anti Bullying Week Our Nursery class took part in anti bullying week by wearing...
28th Nov 2020
Our Nursery children regularly enjoy participating in Disco Dough sessions. This...
28th Nov 2020
During the month of November we were learning about ‘People who help us’...
26th Nov 2020
This week, Year 4 have designed their own Christmas puppets. We have had lots of...
25th Nov 2020
We tried.... but we could not wait any longer! Christmas has arrived in Year 2....
20th Nov 2020
Year 4 have completed a variety of activities during Anti-Bullying week. The children...