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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh


2015/2016 School Year

9th Nov 2015
Year 5 have been exploring symmetrical shapes and patterns.  They had great...
6th Nov 2015
Year 4 took part in a road safety walk along the Dublin Road for their PDMU subject...
5th Nov 2015
As part of our The World around topic 'Vikings,' year six took part in a number...
4th Nov 2015
On Wednesday 4th November Gail, our PATHS trainer, worked with pupils from Year...
4th Nov 2015
Thanks to all the parents who attended out phonics afternoon. We hope that you gained...
3rd Nov 2015
Year 6  transformed into various creatures in preparation for the school disco!...
3rd Nov 2015
 On Monday 26th of October the after-school rugby squad braved the elements...
29th Oct 2015
We created a display on 'Scarecrows' for our assembly hall. We drew and painted...
29th Oct 2015
There were amazing sights in Year 5 on Wednesday morning when we were treated to...