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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh


2015/2016 School Year

2nd Feb 2016
During the last month, children in Year 3 have had great fun exploring their new...
28th Jan 2016
The Minister of Education John O’Dowd has announced a review of integrated...
26th Jan 2016
Some of the pupils who participated in Mrs Young's after school French Club. We...
22nd Jan 2016
Contact us now to receive a Registration Pack for Playgroup Enrollment September...
22nd Jan 2016
A group of children from Miss Eccles' Year 5 class have spent weeks building...
22nd Jan 2016
Year 5 began a series of Ceili dancing lessons this week. We were taught by Kevin...
20th Jan 2016
  OIPS will participate in this year’s BHF campaign WEAR IT. BEAT IT....
12th Jan 2016
Year 5 have been busy using the iPads and Lego to create short animations. A lot...
12th Jan 2016
Back in December Year 5 were very busy helping to decorate the classroom (and themselves)...
11th Jan 2016
This morning Year 6 launched a six week paired reading programme.  Thank-you...