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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh


2015/2016 School Year

9th Feb 2016
Year 4 were busy making pancakes and fresh fruit salad on Shrove Tuesday. ...
9th Feb 2016
Miss Mc Sorley's class took part in the Safer Internet Day which was held on Tuesday...
9th Feb 2016
Year 6 enjoyed sampling pancakes today.  Thank-you to Mrs Short and her...
9th Feb 2016
Today we celebrated pancake day at Nursery! We made delicious pancakes and had great...
9th Feb 2016
Tuesday 9the February is UK Safer Internet Day. Year One Pupils marked the day by...
9th Feb 2016
Year One have been busy making pancakes today. Our big book The Pancake has allowed...
8th Feb 2016
On Monday 8 th  and Tuesday 9 th  of February, Year 6 and 7 pupils performed...
5th Feb 2016
Miss Mc Sorley's class took part in the BHF Campaign 'Wear It. Beat It.' The children...
5th Feb 2016
During the month of January we were learning all about the season of winter and...
4th Feb 2016
Congratulations to our Year 6 and 7 pupils who were magnificent at the recent Credit...