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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh


2015/2016 School Year

3rd Mar 2016
Year One have a had such a busy week! After kick-starting Integration week with...
29th Feb 2016
On Monday 22nd February Gail  our school PATHS co-ordinator along with Year...
29th Feb 2016
Our library is busy once again! After receiving new software to make the library...
26th Feb 2016
Year 3 have been busy over the last few weeks making lighthouses.  We've been...
24th Feb 2016
Year 4 took part in a sequence of healthy lifestyle workshops organised by Action...
24th Feb 2016
We are making preparations for our annual Mother's Day tea party next week! This...
23rd Feb 2016
Today Year 3 enjoyed taking part in a fun programme linked to an interactive story...
23rd Feb 2016
On World Book Day our focus will be on enjoying stories and rhymes from around the...
22nd Feb 2016
On Friday 19th February year 1 pupils explored houses in our local area. We walked...
17th Feb 2016
Folye film festival visited Year 4 and taught the children how to use many different...