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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh


2016/2017 School Year

11th Jan 2017
Take a look at who received their awards recently.
11th Jan 2017
Amy and Beth win top prizes in horse riding yet again.
11th Jan 2017
Miss Eccles' Year Fives had a fun and energetic P.E. session this morning. We kick-started...
9th Jan 2017
Year Five's new class novel is 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. Today, in Miss Eccles'...
7th Jan 2017
Year Five's January playlist for our 'Morning song' has arrived! As well as these...
4th Jan 2017
Enjoy browsing through some snaps from Christmas fun at Nursery. We enjoyed a special...
20th Dec 2016
Today, we celebrated the Christmas season in our annual KS1-KS2 Carol Service. ...
20th Dec 2016
Mr Tracey's Year 5 class showed their talented artistic skills creating amazing...
19th Dec 2016
To celebrate the end of term, Year 7 held a party.  We had pizza and hot...
13th Dec 2016
Friends Afterschool Club have designed their own Christmas Cards! Packs are for...