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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh


2015/2016 School Year

5th Oct 2015
"Hello Mr Bradley My father has found a balloon with a message from his forest during...
1st Oct 2015
OIPS hosted a CRED (Community Relations, Equality and Diversity in Education) for...
28th Sep 2015
As part of Community Relations Week both Year 7 classes took part in art workshops...
28th Sep 2015
During our topic of Birthdays Mrs Mc Elduff visited both of the year two classes...
28th Sep 2015
On Monday 28th September Year Two had a Balloon Launch to celebrate the twenty fifth...
24th Sep 2015
On Tuesday 22nd September, 37 cars embarked on a Car Treasure hunt!   This...
18th Sep 2015
The fabulous Autumn weather has given Year Seven the opportunity to harvest the...
18th Sep 2015
Here are two of the displays Miss Eccles' class have been working on recently....
18th Sep 2015
Year 5 are learning about Egypt. We know that Egypt is a country in Africa. Today...
16th Sep 2015
Year 6 have been investigating how to measure in centi-metres, millimetres and metres....