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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh


2016/2017 School Year

4th May 2017
Peter Thompson from the PSNI delivered a workshop to year 6 and 7 about Internet...
4th May 2017
Thank-you for the parent/guardian(s) that attended our information session. If you...
4th May 2017
KS2 boys have been enjoying Gaelic coaching sessions led by ex-Tyrone footballer...
3rd May 2017
Congratulations to our amazing Gaelic football team winning the Millennium Shield...
1st May 2017
The latest edition of the Year Five newssheet has arrived. We hope it gives...
28th Apr 2017
We went to our Nature Trail on a Spring Walk. We looked for changes in our environment...
27th Apr 2017
A few weeks ago, one of Miss Eccles' Year Five pupils, Dylan, won a singing...
27th Apr 2017
Young Enterprise visited year 7 on Tuesday 26th April 2017.  The pupils participated...
26th Apr 2017
Just before Easter Year 7 attended the 'Journey to the Cross,' Event held in St....
26th Apr 2017
A number of Year 7 pupils participated in the Sacred Heart College Maths Challenge. ...