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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh


2017/2018 School Year

6th Nov 2017
M & M productions performed Beauty and the Beast.    A great...
6th Nov 2017
We held our annual Harvest Assembly at the end of the term.  We celebrated...
2nd Nov 2017
We had great fun at our first 'Stay and Play' session and enjoyed getting to meet...
26th Oct 2017
The P5 children had great fun dressing up for Halloween. 
26th Oct 2017
Miss Eccles' Year Fives are pleased to introduce our class mascot 'Shine'. He encourages...
26th Oct 2017
During the month of October we enjoyed an Autumn walk around the school...
16th Oct 2017
Year Five's October Newssheet has arrived. Happy reading!  As always, please...
11th Oct 2017
Year 2 celebrated "back to school" with our Birthdays "All About Me" topic. We had...
3rd Oct 2017
The school library will be opening on Friday 6th October from 10am until 12. Several...
3rd Oct 2017
A six week programme of Paired Reading kicks off in Year 4 on Monday 9th October....