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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh


2017/2018 School Year

28th Nov 2017
Year 7 have now had the tiles which they created fired in a kiln. These will be...
27th Nov 2017
Omagh Integrated Campus was launched today.  Check out
27th Nov 2017
A massive WELL DONE to Year 6 for creating some fantastic Viking shields. You...
27th Nov 2017
Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed their visits to Omagh Library. Lots of books were...
27th Nov 2017
A big thank you to all pupils, parents and guardians who filled a shoebox...
27th Nov 2017
On Friday 17th November, Year 3 ventured to the Armagh Planetarium.  The children...
27th Nov 2017
Year 2 had a great time learning about Autumn on the farm, we had our own farm shop...
24th Nov 2017
Year 4 explored their school grounds for deciduous and evergreen trees. They identified...
24th Nov 2017
Year 4 celebrated their achievement in assembly this morning. Pupils were presented...
24th Nov 2017
Year 4 explore interactive design by programming Beebot to play games during Activity...