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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh


2017/2018 School Year

20th Feb 2018
During February we have been celebrating Pancake Day and Valentine's Day. We celebrated...
19th Feb 2018
Year Five are proud to release the February edition of their newssheet, giving an...
17th Feb 2018
Year Five are working on the topic of 'Mighty Me'. In order to bring the topic to...
14th Feb 2018
Year 4 celebrated Valentine's Day today in style by making lovely valentines cards...
13th Feb 2018
Pancake Tuesday was celebrated in Year Five. Thank you to Mrs Davison for preparing...
13th Feb 2018
Year 4 Mrs Clements class had great fun making and eating pancakes in class. We...
13th Feb 2018
Pancake Tuesday was celebrated in Year Five today, thanks to our talented chef,...
13th Feb 2018
Miss Eccles' Year Five pupils unleashed their creativity, individuality and imagination...
13th Feb 2018
Year 4 enjoyed making and tasting fruit salad to serve with pancakes today. Great...
6th Feb 2018
Year 2 had a fantastic time exploring Cold Lands and even enjoyed some snow days...