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Omagh Integrated Primary School and Nursery, Omagh


2017/2018 School Year

12th Mar 2018
Some weeks ago, Year Five worked with a local artist, Genevieve Murphy, to design...
12th Mar 2018
Miss Eccles' Year Fives had a very busy week, preparing some very special gifts...
12th Mar 2018
Miss Eccles' Year Fives turned their hands to card making last week and created...
12th Mar 2018
Year 4 used adjectives to discuss the qualities of an outstanding character. We...
9th Mar 2018
Year Five attended The Strule Arts Centre for the launch of the St Patrick's Day...
9th Mar 2018
Year 6 had great fun makin their own pancakes. They worked really well in their...
7th Mar 2018
This week in cooking club the children made a delicious dish of scrambled eggs and...
6th Mar 2018
Year Five had great fun dressing up as their favourite characters. Thank you to...
6th Mar 2018
Year four children had a fantastic day dressing up as their favourite characters...
6th Mar 2018
Year 4 dressed up as their favourite book characters and completed character profiles...